Thursday, September 9, 2010



As I mentioned on the post about damage evaluation of ITINERA, the sound interface was missing. But today the new one arrived. So, it is time to give back to the robot its ability to speak.

In order to do that, I installed the Festival Speech Synthesis System. Since the OS of the robot is Debian this task is quite easy:

$ sudo apt-get install festival festvox-ellpc11k

The package festvox-ellpc11k contains the default Spanish male voice, which is the voice that the robot had previously.

I also installed 2 new Spanish voices, developed by Junta de Andalucia for Guadalinex. Those were quite easy to install as well:

$ wget
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i festvox-palpc16k_1.0-1_all.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i festvox-sflpc16k_1.0-1_all.deb

And can be tested by doing this:

$ festival
Festival Speech Synthesis System 1.96:beta July 2004
Copyright (C) University of Edinburgh, 1996-2004. All rights reserved.
For details type `(festival_warranty)'
festival> (voice_JuntaDeAndalucia_es_sf_diphone)
festival> (SayText "Hola, soy la nueva femenina de itinera")

festival> (quit)

$ festival
Festival Speech Synthesis System 1.96:beta July 2004
Copyright (C) University of Edinburgh, 1996-2004. All rights reserved.
For details type `(festival_warranty)'
festival> (voice_JuntaDeAndalucia_es_pa_diphone)
festival> (SayText "Hola, soy la nueva masculina de itinera")

festival> (quit)

Now I have a problem... I don't know which voice I like the most!!!
Could you help me to choose please?

Here you are the samples of the 3 voices:

Original Voice

Feminine Voice

Masculine Voice

Which voice do you like?


Anonymous said...


Itinera, interesante proyecto. Precisamente estoy en algo parecido, aunque no me he planteado el tema de la movilidad de momento.
Una pregunta. La voz original de Itinera, ¿ estaba ya entre las voces de festival ?
Había oído las de la Junta de Andalucía, pero no la primera.

Un saludo, y ánimo con el proyecto.

Martin Peris said...

Hola Jesus,

muchas gracias por tus animos.

Respondiendo a tu pregunta: Si, la voz original esta entre las voces por defecto de festival. Cuando empece con este robot era la unica voz en español disponible para este sintetizador de voz.

Suena un poco depresiva, pero eso hacia que el robot fuese aun mas entrañable jeje

Un saludo y suerte con tus proyectos.

Pepe said...

Suena muchísimo mejor que la voz por defecto del festival, me la quedo :)

Martin Peris said...

Parece que la voz femenina gusta mas :) Gracias por el voto Pepe!

Text to Speech said...

this is good tutorial...but i am having little bit hesitation in commands...but any is good..thanks.!!

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