Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Sometimes when you work in a complex robotic project you face the question: Should I build myself a certain part or should I buy a manufactured one?

Recently I faced that question, the robot ITINERA needs a new circuit to control 2 DC motors because the old one is malfunctioning. Then it came to my mind that some years ago I implemented such a circuit by using a self-made PCB board,  an L298 integrated circuit and some other components (diodes, resistors, etc...)

So now I could build it again and use it, but lets think about it... if I buy all the components I would spend about 15€ and it would take me about 2 hours to build it. Time is money, so if we translate two hours of work into money, lets say that is equivalent to 40€. In total: 55€ (Not taking into account the time spent going to the store and getting the components)

In the other hand, performing a quick search on Internet you can find products matching your needs. In my case an  L298 h-bridge with a price of 12,42€

I think, in this case, the answer to the question raised at the beginning of this post is pretty clear: Do not reinvent the wheel!!! 

By the way, the circuit in the last picture is the one that will replace the faulty motor controller of ITINERA.

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